Other Relative Family Sponsorship

Other Relative Family Sponsorship

You can sponsor other relatives besides your immediate family members under certain circumstances

​ You can sponsor:​

  • Your brother, sister, nephew, niece, grandson or granddaughter, who are orphaned, under the age of 18, and not married or in a common-law relationship​
  • another relative if you do not have a spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner, or one of the following living relatives below (excluding the person you wish to sponsor) which you could sponsor instead:
    • a child
    • a mother or father
    • brother or sister
    • uncle or aunt
    • nephew or niece


  • you do not have any of the relatives mentioned above who:
    • is a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, Indian (Native, registered under the Indian Act)
    • have an application for permanent residence that is being currently processed

You can sponsor if you are:​​

  • At least 18 years of age
  • A Canadian permanent resident living in Canada or a Canadian citizen
  • Not in prison, bankrupt, under a removal order (if a permanent resident) or charged with a serious offence

Need Help?

Contact us for more information about the Relative Sponsorship application process or for assistance in preparing an application.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

