Parent and Grandparent Family Sponsorship 2018

Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship

The Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship program is one of Canada’s most popular immigration programs. The program permits Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their parents or grandparents for permanent residence in Canada.

The program operates using a lottery system and only a limited number of applications will be accepted each year. The program typically opens on the first business day of January.

Interested sponsors will complete an online form during the month of January and then the Ministry of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC) will randomly choose 10,000 individuals from those who filled out the form, and those people will be invited to send in their full application to sponsor their parents and grandparents. Sponsors will have 90 days to submit their complication to the IRCC.

If you would like to sponsor your parents or grandparents to come to Canada, please contact us to arrange a consultation.

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