Muhammad Usman

Muhammad Usman, as the Managing Director of RICC Immigration and Visa Services, alongside his dedicated team, is committed to facilitating seamless global mobility. With a Master’s degree in Business Management and a Post Graduate Certification in Immigration Consultation, he brings over a decade of extensive experience in business development to our organization. Throughout his career, he has established a reputation built on integrity and reliability, ensuring that each client interaction is founded on trust and truth.

Supported by a team of regulated consultants and seasoned business managers, we are well-equipped to assist you in navigating the complexities of immigration effortlessly. Whether you are relocating for work, study, or personal reasons, we strive to not only meet but exceed your goals diligently.
With an unwavering dedication to excellence and a fervent commitment to fostering cross-cultural connections, we aim to deliver immigration and visa solutions that are unparalleled in their affordability and dependability.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9