Free Assessment

1 Step 1

Fill out the questionnaire below to see if you are eligible to Immigrate to Canada.

If you are applying for PR, you will be required to submit your CV in order for us to assess you. If you wish wish to sponsor a family member, we do not require your CV.​

The information you provide will only be used to assess your eligibility and will be kept private. Please see our Privacy Policy for more details.

Immigration Type:
Personal Information
Marital Status
Do you have dependant children
Net Worth in Canadian Dollars

Enter your current Personal Net Worth* (including that of your spouse/common-law partner, if applicable) which is the SUM of real estate, investments, stocks, bonds, bank accounts, value of businesses owned LESS combined personal liabilities (mortgage, personal loans, credit card debt). *This is needed to determine if you meet the financial requirements by IRCC.

Language Skills

Your Skill level:

What is YOUR highest level of education?
What is your SPOUSE's highest level of education?
Have you ever:
Have you worked in Canada before in an a skilled Job for at least 1 year?
Do you have a LMIA (or LMIA exempt) sponsored work permit from a Canadian Employer?pick one!
Upload ResumeSend us your resume to help evaluate you:
Spouse's Resume
Family and Friends in Canada
Do you (or your spouse) have a brother or sister in Canada who is a PR or a Canadian citizen?
Please include any additional personal information that can assist us in conducting your assessment. (eg: relatives/family in Canada and where do they live, work experience, details of job offer)
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    +12 (0) 345 678 9